Sunday, March 25, 2007

For 3/28

Thanks for those who were able to drive tonight to the Rally at Eastford. I hope the kids were challenged. Any significant conversations/insights?

For this week-

Tuesday- Team Meeting at Colonial at 7pm. Does anyone want to meet ahead of time for dinner? We could turn it into a mini-planning meeting?

Speaking of- we do need to have a planning meeting shortly- we have a number of items to discuss regarding the coffee house and wrapping up the year. I would also like to discuss summer plans and iron out who can help out when etc...

Wednesday- Large vocal at 5:30pm. I will be there along with Joy. Remind the kids you see/talk to.

I need someone for sharing time and for game time.
We need to really promote the Coffee House this week and get some firm commitments. I will have invites for the kids to give out to their friends.

Last week for the split guys/girls. Kim will lead the boys, I have the girls.

Thursday- 5:30-7:00 pm Puppet Practice

Sunday- April 1st. We have the nursing home CSA this week. We need to see who is going, who is going to do music (Levi/David?), we need to choose songs. Should we plan to sing Amazing grace? What do we want to do for the devotional?
Also, we should provide the teens lunch ahead of time. Any suggestions/ideas?

Let me know if there is anything I need to add for announcements this week.
Pastor would like us to promote the men's retreat (the life you've always wanted) with the guys. It will be on spiritual disciplines. I don't know the dates off hand- it was in the bulletin today- could someone let me know and I'll add it to the announcements for this week. It would be great if the male leaders could encourage this with the guys and even offer to go with them. I'm curious if there is a way our guys could help out at the retreat. They tend to come when there is a service activity involved. I'll see what I can find out.

Have a good week- we'll see you Wed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Date for Men's Retreat is 4/28 - the same day as our Soup Kitchen CSA.